To download a file click on the filename.

XMLOG416.ZIP - XMLog Version 4.16 (4.8mb) - Use this version with Windows 95, 98, and NT.

WAVES.ZIP - XMLog voice alert files (226kb) - If you want to use the voice alert feature for PacketCluster spots you must download WAVES.ZIP. After you have installed XMLog create a directory named VOICE in your XMLog directory (for example C:\MLOG\VOICE). Move WAVES.ZIP to this directory and unzip it there. See the help file section on PacketCluster Alerts for more information.

XMLOGDOC.ZIP - XMLog documentation (51kb) - I don't have an official manual but here's a version of the help file that can be printed using Microsoft Word and is about 75 pages long. This file is not always as up-to-date as the help file (it currently reflects version 4.14).

XCW.ZIP - CW Keyboard (42kb) - XCW is a CW keyboard program that implements most of the CW features provided by the XMLog packet window. You must first download and install XMLog and then unzip this file in your XMLog directory.